Monday, October 20, 2008

Good Ol' Texas Trash Talkin'

As reported by Forrest Wilder in his posting "California, you got nothin'", Texas conservatives were able to out trash-talk their west coast brethren earlier this week. Wilder, a liberal blogger for The Texas Observer, writes "never think that California can out-wingnut Texas". Referring to the recent Democrat bashings coming out of several California based Republican party organizations. Wilder was quick to pick up on several of these "Golden State" websites (some of which have already been pulled) and after scrolling through and reading some of the brute and outrageous comments, he came to an amusing conclusion, "they aint got nothin' on Texas". His evidence? How bout the GOP Hays County website for starters. Here he found an abundance of far-right conspiracies and even some racially-charged videos. A plethora for the ignorant if you will, this website and others like it are not surprising to see. What’s Mr. Wilders’ logic? It's Texas! He talks about how our stubborn state is set in its ways, especially when it comes to politics. It's evident that the Texas GOP senses change, so what does it do? It lashes out with irrational claims and comments that top any of its competitors by far. I agree with Wilder in his opinion that Texas is ideologically messed up. He presents his argument well and provides solid evidence to back his claim. His intended audience is probably anyone who is willing to listen and/or tired of the spew that comes out of the mouth of the great state of Texas.

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